2019-05-18 - Ran It with Janet Preview

^z 24th April 2023 at 7:37am

~10.7 mi @ ~14.8 min/mi

"Skywalker? Or maybe Skysweeper?" suggests Roadkill, pondering candidate Trail Names for "Ran It with Janet" 50k co-director Lucas Moten. We're cruising behind four fast runners - Elsa, Amanda, Brian, and Mike - and enjoying the warm, humid, mostly-cloudy morning for a single-lap anticipatory glimpse of the race on 1 June. Roadkill finds a lucky castoff snakeskin on the path and pockets it. Tourists politely step aside as we trot along the boardwalk. Trail conditions are good, with swampy spots in the final miles. Brightly colored millipedes scramble through the grass. Cylindrical bales of hay line a field.

"I love horses!" says Roadkill to folks getting ready for their ride around Manassas National Battlefield Park. They reply, "We do too!"

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-06-04